I am an adventure seeking wife and mother first! Travel, and endorphins are my best friends. I will try anything once, unless I know
I would be in danger. I have a crazy love of God, running, triathlon, the outdoors, dirt, wine, friends, good Vegan food, Yoga,
animals, happiness, and life! I truly believe the only limits in life are the ones set by ourselves. So get out there and expand the limits!!
~~Only she who attempts the absurd can achieve the impossible.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Make Mine a Triple

This weeks training petered into oblivion.  Well...sorta.  It started out strong, and crept its way south real quick.  And this coming week is probably going to be the same.  I am not complaining.  Life for me is busy right now, with the Mini-Me aka: Alli.  She has a huge, huge gymnastics meet coming up this weekend, Great West GymFest which will require a lot of time from her and us.  AND her play The Little Mermaid opens this weekend…wouldn’t you know it?  I told her yesterday, we might as well take the week off from homeschooling.  She/we have to be at dress rehearsal Mon thru Thurs from 4pm-9pm, and the BIG opening is Friday, along with her gym schedule Tues/Thurs from 12pm-4: 30pm.  Can you say,

     “Two scoops of crazy, with a side of Cucucachoo?  

Oh, I can!!

I guess we will school when we are on the fly, which happens alot of the time anyway, and a lot of times, she learns things better that way anyhow.  Livin’ in the moment.  Learning real-life scenarios.
Maybe I will train on the fly this week…I will have to.  Early morning workouts it will have to be.  I guess I get pretty spoiled with having a hub that works from home, and being a homeschooler.  I can really pick any time to workout.   I am just happy that I have that drive to workout again, after a few weeks of, Blah-ness!  Nothing like your friends to call you out, lift you up, and help you locate the Mojo.

So, two things I learned/tried/did this week?  A new delicious, Vegan recipe.  Last night.  It was AAAAMAZING!  Tomato Walnut Basil Pasta.  (recipe here)  A little salad and Roasted Garlic bread on the side.  Some excellent Malbec, and the Hubs was bowing at my feet. 

And speaking of Greg, my number 2 thing I learned.  He is saddle shopping right now.  As in a seat for his Tri bike.  He is looking at the ever popular and magnificent Adamo saddles.  Well, come to find out, Adamo means to fall in love with or to find pleasure in.  Hmm.

fall in love/lust with; love passionately/adulterously; admire greatly; covet   

Hmmm…maybe I will be checking out these saddles….YOWZA!  I really like the “love passionately “ part.

So, here’s to a great week!  A double scoop of crazy, and maybe a triple scoop of Adamo!!


  1. Recipe sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing! And wow, you've got a lot on your plate, fitting in training when you can sounds like a good plan. You are SO lucky you home school and your hubby works from home. I always have to do early morning work outs and its not fun, but it must be done!! Have a great, long weekend!

  2. Will be trying the pasta recipe. That sounds really tasty!
