Fernan was quiet….2 cars today. I rode from town, and out around the lake taking in its gorgeous beauty. I have to say, that view…never gets old. I love the winding switch backs and the smooth pavement out to the gun range, where the hill starts. It's serene. Peaceful even. I was nice and warmed up by the time I got there. Ready to attack those hill repeats!
First repeat….this is feeling pretty easy. I look over the hill to the gun range and take a notice to who's out there…a dad with 2 young kids, an older, graying, gentleman and his wife. He looks like he's teaching her to shoot. "Keep it aimed out towards the target, Mama" I think….OK, I'm started to get warm with my jacket on..that will need to be peeled off when I turn around. Hmmm…is that a bone? Yep! That looks like an ulna. Cat? Dog? Coyote? Oh…theres a pelvis. WOW! Yes there are wild animals out here! Check the time…
Down, turn around. Dad and kids are loading up to go home….the older couple…she's ready to fire, gun held up..he's out fixing the target. Oh man…that doesn't look good. I say a prayer. The bones…man, what's the story with those bones? And why? are they in the road? There's the DQ straw…oh man! a Blizzard sounds so good right now. Does it though? I haven't had a Blizzard in years! Honestly 2001 was the last Blizzard I had. But this little gem, laying on the side of the road….perfection! Pink toothbrush..Oh that's new. How does a toothbrush find its way to the side of the road? Was it tossed from a car? Fell out from someone's belongings on the way to a camping trip? Hmmm that would make for a weekend of bad-breath. Was that a couch cushion? There's that big, beautiful snag…See Ya Later! Snag!
Down, turn around. It's like a slow dance. Slow it down, turn around, repeat. The older couple…granny is poppin' em off like lightning now. Yeah!! She's got it! It quiets as I head up the hill. Bones, check. Blizzard straw, check. pink toothbrush, check. Yes, that IS a couch cushion, check. Snag….hmmm there you are you broken and gnarly piece of tree…."were you struck by lightning?" I think my legs were just struck by lightning. Dear Paula, you decided to sign up for yet another Ironman….this is part of the pain. Hit it girl! I giggle to myself. It is so quiet now. No cars, no fire arms, no bikes, no wind….silence. Me and my breath. My toosh hurts….(this is another blog-post that needs to be written) Oh my BUTT!! "Do I have my pepper spray in my Bento box? Sooo quiet. And beautiful. The mountain and trees are magnificent under the sunshine. I am always so in awe of this place we call home. I feel blessed.

Down. And up. Grams & Gramps have left the range now, seemingly satisfied with her firearm prowess. It's just me. Last repeat. Last time to make it outstanding. I am dying to stand up….coach says, "keep the climb in the saddle." Make this strong and remarkable Paula….again, being my own worst judge. Don't think about the fire starting to escape through your muscles, and burning through your shorts. This makes me think of the Fantastic Four and the Human Torch…my legs could quite possibly catch fire! Think of how you'll feel if you give up now. Finish this last repeat like a boss. Do not look for your distractions on the ground. Look up. See the snag? She's waving you by. She knows that she was a one-time deal and that you would never stop at her again. The sound of my breathing is a great sound. It reminds me how alive I am. It reminds me that my lungs are strong and healthy. Capable and competent. My mind drifts…."your great grace.." I am WAY past my first attempt of this climb. Past my second and third attempt. It feels GREAT to continue up. Further than the last. A silent prayer escapes my lips…."Thank you for this."

Look at that yellow mushroom!!!
I am WAY further up the hill!! Nice work Lady!! Take a selfie!
"Get your butt home before whatever drug those bones to the road, comes out for a visit."
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